Refund Policies

Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.

Coaching Signup

Not applicable

Learn to Play

No Refunds

March Meltdown

Does not apply

Regular Season

FINANCIAL POLICY The association fiscal year shall commence April 1 through March 31. If you register during the early registration period, you will receive a $50 discount which will be deducted from your season fees. A refund of all fees less a $50 service charge shall be made if requested prior to the second scheduled team practice. Refunds of remaining fees, excluding buyouts, will be prorated according to the following schedule: If refund is requested prior to November 1st - 60% If refund is requested prior to December 1st - 40% If refund is requested prior to January 1st - 20% No refunds will be processed after January 1st Refunds will only be completed due to moving from the area. Refunds will not be given for injuries during the year. The fee structure will be set by the Board during the summer. The membership will be notified of the season's current fees prior to tryouts. All payments or approved payment plans need to be completed prior to tryouts.  If not participating in tryouts, payment or approved payment plan needs to be completed by the first scheduled game of the season. A prorated fee will be applied if the skater starts after the season. If a skater starts after December 1st - 75% If a skater starts after January 1st - 50% If a skater starts after February 1st - 25% FINANCIAL POLICY The association fiscal year shall commence April 1 through March 31. There shall be three signatures on file with the bank for the De Pere Youth Hockey Checking and Savings accounts. Those signatures shall be the Treasurer, President and Vice President. No two spouses, partners, or significant others will have their signatures on file with the bank. A finance committee shall be appointed with oversight of the association's financial matters. They shall provide input on the annual budget, registration fee structure, fundraising goals and the financial matters of the association. There shall be a monthly financial report at every board meeting. A budget for the year shall be adopted in August. Expenditures over $300 not expressly covered in the budget over must be approved by board vote. If you register during the early registration period, you will receive a $50 discount which will be deducted from your season fees. HIP skaters are not required to pay a registration deposit. A refund of all fees less a $50 service charge shall be made if requested prior to the second scheduled team practice. Refunds of remaining fees, excluding buyouts, will be prorated according to the following schedule. If refund is requested prior to November 1st - 60% If refund is requested prior to December 1st - 40% If refund is requested prior to January 1st - 20% No refunds will be processed after January 1st Refunds will only be completed due to moving from the area or no longer wanting to play hockey. Refunds will not be given for injuries during the year. The fee structure will be set by the Board during the summer. The membership will be notified of the season's current fees prior to tryouts. All payments or approved payment plans need to be completed prior to tryouts.  If not participating in tryouts, payment or approved payment plan needs to be completed by the first scheduled game of the season. A prorated fee will be applied if the skater starts after the season. If a skater starts after December 1st - 75% If a skater starts after January 1st - 50% If a skater starts after February 1st - 25% 15% of the net profit on the raffle from the home tournament will be paid out to each team to be used for the year-end party.

Spring Hockey

Refunds for the Spring Hockey Program are not typically offered. However, exceptional circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Summer Hockey

Refunds for the Summer Hockey Program are not typically offered. However, exceptional circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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