Horizon Web Ref

Horizon Web Ref

As Officials you are your own General Contractor! You will be paid by check monthly from the programs that you are reffing for. You will be able to see how much you have earned by logging into your Horizon Web Ref account. You are also able to submit availability, find replacements and see who you are working games with. There is also an app available that is easy to use.

Setting up an account

Follow this link: https://horizonwebref.com/getStarted

  1. Click: Registering for a new user account, this gives very clear instructions on how to register.
  2. When asked for an association number use: 205813
  3. This will show up as: “Sport: Ice Hockey”, “Location: Greenville, WI, USA”, and “Contact: Dave R”
  4. Once you have registered, you will receive an email confirmation and the schedulers will approve or deny your registration.
  5.  Once approved you will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to complete your registration, as well as you username and password.

When setting up, I would suggest that, in addition to the Officials email, one parent email is used for communication. I have it set up that way so that I know when my kids will be working and if/when they need a ride.  

*****SCHEDULERS AND TEAM REPS should also register and select “Team Coach” or “School Athletic Director” for their user types.

Mike Spice

Ref Scheduler


Kevin Smith

Ref Scheduler


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